People with a Long Term Condition

Long Term Conditions (last updated May 2013)

Key findings
  • In the 2001 Census 70,340 people living in Wirral described themselves as having a Limiting Long Term Illness (LLTI)

  • In February 2012 there were approximately 19,225 people claiming Incapacity Benefit or Employment & Support Allowance in Wirral.

  • In 2010/11 Wirral had over 21,100 asthma patients recorded on GP practice registers, which equates to an unadjusted prevalence of 6.3%. This is higher than the GP practice prevalence nationally.

  • In 2010/11 there were 13,193 patients recorded on GP practice registers, as part of the QOF, with chronic kidney disease; this equates to an unadjusted prevalence rate of 4.0%. This is relatively low when compared to the England average of 4.3%

  • In Wirral, it is estimated that approximately 720 people have Parkinson’s disease (2009)

Taken from Health & Wellbeing Chapter

  • There were 13,664 people living in Wirral diagnosed with Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) (QOF, April 2012). This is 4.1% of the Wirral population. According to the modelling estimates of CHD prevalence for Wirral, there are 17,801 people with CHD (APHO 2011).

  • This means the number of people in Wirral who may have CHD, but are currently undiagnosed is around 4,100 (Source: QMAS & APHO, 2011) this is of concern as undiagnosed CHD is related to poorer health outcomes. Wirral has established a Locally Enhanced Service (LES) to screen the population and identify undiagnosed cases of CHD; the number of undiagnosed cases should be reviewed in the future to evaluate the impact of the service over the longer term.

  • In Wirral 7,474 patients were on GP QOF registers as having had a stroke or Transient ischaemic attack (TIA) in April 2012. This was 2.25% of the population of Wirral which is higher than the England prevalence of 1.7%.

  • The number of people in Wirral projected to be living with a longstanding health condition caused by stroke is projected to rise steadily, increasing from a total of 1,402 in 2012, to 1,910 in 2030, an increase of 36%. This is partly due to an increase in the older population over this period.

  • The Association of Public Health Observatories (APHO) calculated that there are likely to be 19,442 people aged over 16 in Wirral with diabetes (diagnosed or undiagnosed) in 2011. This equates to 7.8% (of the population aged 16 or over). This is high compared to England (7.6%), but the same as the North West region overall (also 7.8%).

  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a key condition in Wirral. The gap between males and females for COPD mortality had narrowed slightly since 1993/05, when the male mortality rate from COPD was 130% higher than that of females. In 2008/10, the gap 77% higher for males than females

Taken from Older People Chapter

  • A total of 1,902 people were recorded on the QOF register as having dementia between April 2010 and March 2011 in Wirral. It is a nationally recognised issue however, that only around 45% of people with dementia on a GP register, obtaining the care needed.

  • There are around 30,000 people aged 65+ in Wirral who report that they have a Limiting Long-Term Illness. (Census, 2001)

  • The number of people with a Long Term Condition (LTC) is projected to increase to 41,000 by 2030 due to the ageing population and also the association of some LTCs with lifestyle.

Taken from Mental Health Chapter

  • There are 34,748 patients on GP Registers have had mental health problems recorded on Wirral GP Clinical systems, with 10,511 being recorded in the last three years 2009/2011.

  • Dementia is a key priority for Wirral. In 2011, 4443 people aged 65 and over were estimated to be living with Dementia with the expectation that by 2020, this figure would rise to 5282 and further rise to 6892 by 2030. (

Long Term Conditions (last updated May 2013)

Further information
  • Frailty Evidence Review (August 2018)
    There is a lack of consensus on a definition for frailty. This evidence review sets out to gather the latest and best known information to help understand the implications of frailty on a local population

  • NHS Right Care Packs 
    These packs contains data on a number of disease areas and elements of care. The pack is split by stages along a long term conditions pathway and enables a local health economy to look at an element, for example disease detection or prescribing, across multiple disease areas. The pack contains a number of new indicators not included in previous packs. It also includes case studies, tools and guidance to support CCGs to make improvements to long term conditions care in their local health economy. 

  • Action Plan on Hearing Loss (March 2015) Department of Health and NHS England 
    This Action Plan on Hearing Loss sets out a case for action to tackle the rising prevalence and personal, social and economic costs of uncorrected hearing loss and the variation in access and quality of services experienced by people with hearing loss.
  • Our support, our lives: joining up the public services used by disabled people (March 2015) SCOPE
    Joined up support can make it easier for working-age disabled people to live independently – to enjoy family life fully, participate in and contribute to their community, access education and training opportunities, find and stay in employment. The report looks to understand how service integration can improve the quality of support disabled people get.