
Key findings Diabetes (October 2016)

Key findings

Key findings Diabetes (October 2016)

  • Diabetes prevalence was higher in Wirral in 2014/15 compared to England (6.8% or 18,399 patients in Wirral, compared to 6.4% of the England population aged 17 and over)

  • Amongst people who are obese, diabetes prevalence rises to 15% of men, and 12% of women (UK figures)

  • The most current estimates suggest that there were likely to be an additional 5,040 people undiagnosed diabetics living in Wirral in 2015, which would bring total prevalence to nearly 23,500 people (aged 17 and over)

  • Prevalence of diabetes increased in Wirral (and the NW and England) every year between 2007/08 and 2012/13 and shows no sign of slowing. Figures for 2014/15 suggest that prevalence of diabetes is increasing again in Wirral

  • Undiagnosed cases are of concern, as unmanaged diabetes is more likely to result in complications (such as major amputations). Case finding should concentrate on obese or overweight patients, living in areas of deprivation, with a family history of diabetes, hypertension, non-diabetic hyperglycaemia and/or people of black or Asian origin

  • The Wirral population has a high levels of several known risk factors for obesity such as: deprivation, hypertension, obesity and an older age profile. There were an estimated number 30,197 people aged 16+ with non-diabetic hyperglycaemia in Wirral in 2015, which is a further important risk factor for the development of diabetes

  • There are lower levels of other risk factors however, such as numbers of BME population (BME population is 5.3% in Wirral, compared to 15% in England)

  • One in 5 children in Wirral are obese by the age of 11, with the effects of deprivation much more apparent amongst girls (high deprivation is associated with higher obesity prevalence). Obesity amongst children is of particular concern, as prolonged obesity from an early age is associated with earlier development of many chronic conditions, of which diabetes is one

  • According to the previous 2015 report by the National Cardiovascular Network:

    • Levels of major amputations continue to be high compared to England 

    • Diabetes prescribing in Wirral in 2013/14 was £4.68million (or around 8.1% of Wirral CCGs prescribing budget). This equates to £268 per local -+patient with diabetes (compared to £285 per diabetic patient in England)

    • Wirral was classified as achieving poor outcomes in return for a low spend on diabetes in 2013/14

  • local Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Audit showed that the more deprived GP practices had lower uptake rates of diabetic retinopathy screening. This means that Wirral residents living in deprived areas are at higher risk of visual impairment arising from their diabetes

  • There are some gaps in knowledge around patients with multiple risk factors, real-time data from GP practices and the take-up and effectiveness of the NHS Health Checks programme in preventing lifestyle related conditions such as diabetes

Other useful documents

State of the nation 2016: time to take control of diabetes
This Diabetes UK report brings together evidence from recent national diabetes audit reports covering care processes and treatment targets, inpatient care, pregnancy and foot care. It sets out actions to improve the delivery of the 15 healthcare essentials for adults with diabetes, and to improve care for children and young people. 

Other useful documents:

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